Typically, our warehouse will process your order within 1-2 business days – you’ll receive a confirmation email once it’s done, so keep an eye on your inbox (and your junk box, just to be sure)!
Once your order has been processed, our standard delivery times are:
UK: 3-5 business days
Europe: 5-7 business days
Rest of the world: 7-10 business days.
Shipping Charges
UK | £3.95 (Tracked) | £8.95 (Tracked Express) |
EU | £12.10 (Standard Shipping) | £14.85 (Tracked) |
USA | £29.20 (Standard Shipping) | £30.75 (Tracked) |
AU | £26.85 (Standard Shipping) | £29.40 (Tracked) |
WORLDWIDE | £22.10 (Standard Shipping) | £24.65 (Tracked) |